英语高手进,请给出答案并简单讲解,谢谢!1.Hardly____when a visitor came in. A. he had sat down B. did he sit down C he sat down D. had he sat down2.---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. ---Oh, nothing much! In fa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:09:08
英语高手进,请给出答案并简单讲解,谢谢!1.Hardly____when a visitor came in. A. he had sat down        B. did he sit down  C he sat down        D. had he sat down2.---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. ---Oh, nothing much! In fa

英语高手进,请给出答案并简单讲解,谢谢!1.Hardly____when a visitor came in. A. he had sat down B. did he sit down C he sat down D. had he sat down2.---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. ---Oh, nothing much! In fa
1.Hardly____when a visitor came in.
A. he had sat down B. did he sit down C he sat down D. had he sat down
2.---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad.
---Oh, nothing much! In fact, I _________ of my friends back home.
A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking
3.At this time tomorrow __________over the Atlantic.
A. we’re going to fly B. we’ll be flying C. we’ll fly D. we’re to fly
4.Hurry up! The rope __________break soon.
A. is to B. is going to C. will D. would
5. They said that they _________drop in on us after a period of time. A. will B. are going to C. would D. were about to
6. She showed him the photo she __the day before.
A has taken B took C was taking D had taken
7. He was sixty-eight then. In two years he _____seventy.
A was going to be B would be C had been D will be
8. I'll return the book to the library as soon as I_ __it .
A will finish B am going to finish C finished D have finished
9. Peter said that he _____home the next day.
A was going to B will go C would go D had gone
10.You haven’t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?
---I’m sorry I ________ anything about it sooner. I think it’s pretty on you.
A. wasn’t saying B. don’t say C. won’t say D. didn’t say

英语高手进,请给出答案并简单讲解,谢谢!1.Hardly____when a visitor came in. A. he had sat down B. did he sit down C he sat down D. had he sat down2.---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. ---Oh, nothing much! In fa
D hardly...when 主句倒装且从句为过去时时主句用过去完成时
B 过去进行时用法之一--刚刚走神干别的事
B 明天这时正在飞(选项中没有完成时)
C 陈述一种现实,无主观情感与计划
C 过去的将来————过去将来时
D 过去的过去————过去完成时
B 见4和5
D 条件状语从句 主将从现 用finish或have finished
C 同5 且home前面无介词
D 一般过去时用法之一——刚才没注意或不知道

1.B 首先谓语前置,然后sit down是瞬间动作,所以不能用完成时
2.B 根据前文得出think的动作是说话前持续的状态,所以用过去进行时
3.A 已经确定了时间的将来的计划用be going to do
4.A 强调客观事实,而非主观意愿
5.C said这个动作是过去时,所以用过去将来时
6.D showed已经是过去时,take photo是过去...


1.B 首先谓语前置,然后sit down是瞬间动作,所以不能用完成时
2.B 根据前文得出think的动作是说话前持续的状态,所以用过去进行时
3.A 已经确定了时间的将来的计划用be going to do
4.A 强调客观事实,而非主观意愿
5.C said这个动作是过去时,所以用过去将来时
6.D showed已经是过去时,take photo是过去的过去,所以是过去完成时
7.B 同第五题
8.应该填finish,as soon as 的前后的动词应为同一时态
9.C 同第五题,且home 前不加介词
10.D根据前文,don't say是刚刚发生的事


1.B倒装句 2.A 刚刚想起 3.A有计划又安排 4.C 5.C 宾语从句时态保持一致 6.D 过去完成时的标志the day before 7. A 8.没有正确答案,应该是finish 9.C A不能带to 10.D

英语高手进,请给出答案并简单讲解,谢谢!1.Hardly____when a visitor came in. A. he had sat down B. did he sit down C he sat down D. had he sat down2.---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. ---Oh, nothing much! In fa 菜鸟求C高手看几道题, //////////////////////请详细讲解//////////////////////////谢谢!1.#includemain(){int y=2,a=1;while(y--!=-1)do{a*=y;a++;}while(y--);printf(%d,%d ,a,y);}-----------------------------------请给出答案并详细 请英语高手讲解complaint about和complaint on的区别,最好能够给出一些例句, 直角三角形斜边上的中线等于?请讲解并给出例题谢谢 求项数公式!请讲解,并给出公式.讲解得好, 求高手解答这道高数题,谢谢!请给出详细说明及解答过程,以及对知识点的讲解!谢谢! 英语.请大神讲解一下语法顺便将下面的答案给出, 有懂高数的高人没 有题目请教请高手给出答案就可以谢谢了 湖泊演变成森林是初生演替还是次生演替?新形成的湖泊中的演替是初生演替还是次生演替?请给出确切答案,并简单的解释一下!谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 帮忙解答英语,请详细讲解,谢谢 英语为什么这样改请讲解谢谢 英语单选,如下图,看了答案解析还是不清楚,请讲解,谢谢 请高手讲解《长恨歌》 很简单的题.请加以详细讲解.谢谢 什么是语义范畴?请简单讲解一下,谢谢. 请简单讲解一下美国版权法的发展历史.谢谢! 有理数习题请给出简单过程说明 谢谢 请英语达人讲解一道 非谓语动词 题~~With no rain for three months and food supplies _____ ,the situation here is getting desperate .A.run out B.has run out C.be runing out D.runing out 请各路高手给出正确答案,并就A与D