
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:52:14
Let me show you the changew( ) my old school and the new one?为什么? 初中科学做哪方面练习比较好初中英语可以做完形填空和阅读,语文可以做课外阅读,那科学、数学、社会思品可以做哪方面的练习? 两题初中科学练习问题如下:1.演员在演奏贝斯的过程中经常突然按住贝斯,此时音乐声嘎然而止,起到很好的表演效果.用手按住贝斯的目的是试贝斯( )而不发声.2.据传说,德国著名音乐家 阁下,there is/are no meat and bread at home?are or is?请说明理由 THANKS meat,no,at,home,is,there,today连词成句 There won’t be any bread ______ meat in the fridge.A.and B.either C.but D.or1 为什么选or而不是but ,不是有句式,not..选but为什么错,怎么改才对?2 句式和语序有什么区别,是陈述语序,还是陈述句式? How about ______(问)our teacher ,he must know the answer. everythibg is good in its season. 外形像钢笔,头是圆珠笔,里面笔芯写着usa ink switzerlant,拔掉一看像水笔,这种 是什么笔 为什么圆珠笔会那么禁得住用呢?一根小小的笔芯,比水笔细多了,可以写出的距离却是水笔的5倍左右.求大神从科学角度解答 There were few new typles of cameras in this shop,———?A.weren’t thereB.were thereC.were theyD.weren’t they There were many new types of cameras in this shop,( 反义疑问句 We sat waiting impatiently for the movie to start.请问这是过去进行时吗?sat waiting damn!this place looks like a good dream.beautiful. It looks good to me 这个句子分析主语、谓语、宾语 My sister Ann is a good girl 怎样分主谓宾吖 那些0.5mm笔芯指的是水笔笔芯的直径还是什么 I've done everything you wanted except make the beds有语法错误吗?用make?不用making?为什么 Everything is meaningless,except you. 一首欧美歌 高潮歌词是everything you tell me done done tell me done done是男生 貌似是新歌吧 you__go and ask Adam .He__know the answer.第一个空填must or can 30.He____ sit there for hours sometimes,doing nothing at all.A.will B.may C.has D.would 42There were no tickets _________ for Friday’s performance.-----A.-preferable -B.-considerable -C.-possible -D.-available 想神马就有神马好不好听 水笔笔芯不下水怎么办? They helped me a lot.I don’t know what I _______ without their help.C.would have done为什么用would have done 水笔笔芯上的那层油起什么作用? 水笔笔芯不显是什么造成的?与空气有关吗?水笔笔套不见了,每次写完字就直接放在那了,几天后水笔笔芯就不显了(水笔墨水还是满的啊),请问这是什么原因造成的?与见到空气有关吗?如何让他 有没有区别“在”和“再”用法的顺口溜或儿歌? Our teacher ask us to() () () () at school 这四个空空填什么 老师,什么时候用which where和in which?举举例子,还请解释一下怎样才算是从句成分缺失 策略与战略有什么区别广告策略与广告战略