
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:05:02
只做第三题,数学作业,先回答,先采纳,急 英语翻译荷花 李商隐 都无色可并,不奈此香何.瑶席乘凉设,金羁落晚过.回衾灯照绮,渡袜水沾罗.预想前秋别,离居梦棹歌.希望逐字逐句的详细翻译, 宪法规定神圣不可侵犯的有哪几个我就知道两个,公共财产神圣不可侵犯 主权和领土完整神圣不可侵犯 有对宪法非常熟悉的朋友请普法 word中怎么在所有题号前加括号?题号从1、到500、 可以用通配符替换吗? 怎么替换? It's nice______(sit)on the floor and______(chat)with you. 变ing—— cry,eat,sit on the floor,wear warm clothes.注:已用逗号隔开 In fact ,you got everything,just you believe it. 歌曲中第一句是 Doing everything that i believe in 的 古代的鲜卑族,氐族,羌族,匈奴,羯族还存在吗? 南北朝氐族和羌族的政权对待汉人怎么样?他们跟羯族和鲜卑比哪个更残暴? 中国境内有发现匈奴墓 鲜卑墓 氐族 羌族墓吗? I'm not what you,you need.RT! what do you need in dinner I need( )A.a knife and a fork B.a knife and fork C the knife and fork D.the knife and the fork I will go on laughing because I always have a my family and i often sit there and enjoy a cap of tea的同义句 In summer we often sit out on the balcony b_____it goes very h____inside the apartment . I good at singing English songs 这句话那错了答对奖励20积分. my family and i often sit there and enjoy a cap of tea ,此句中的enjoy能不能换成drink或是have 填介词:Kate is good _____ singing English songs. he raised the question of () we could get the necessary fund A if B whether C that It has raised the question of whether it is a breach of animal rights.请问各位牛人,为什么句中要加of,因为没有of,就是同位语从句啊,实在很疑惑 The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented.请问,1 这句话里的 one of 可不可以去掉,one of 在这句话里有什么作用?2 Man 为何用大写?取自新概念英语第四册 第17课最后一行. Listening to English songs is good way of learning English为什么要用leaning 按要求改写下列句子 To listen to tapes is a good way to learn English well (改为形式主语)按要求改写下列句子1.To listen to tapes is a good way to learn English well (改为形式主语)( )( ) a good way to learn 2.To beat him wi the first song 歌词 try to remember the sentence He often asked me the question ___ the work was worth doing.这个空的答案是whether,能否填why呢? It's uncertain _____the experiment is worth doing.能用if吗!又说whether可以的!到底选哪个?我想问个清楚!网上有的说if可以引导主语从句,有的又说不能,我想要个正确的答案!到底能不能!如果能的话下面这 It is worth discussing the question.为什么不对? Singing the worlds____ a good way to improve your English? Words cannot d____ the beauty of his girlfriend根据首字母填空 Remember the New Words的同义句