
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:28:16
请问1+3=? (说一个数学,一个英语,一个语文)最好字数多一点的!~ 50天时间怎样能有效的提高托福听力水平呀,我的水平是对话能听懂50%,lecture几乎听不懂,推荐一下材料吧 托福听力很多词汇听不懂,怎么办怎么办啊? 托福听力和阅读加试题分别是加几篇呀?是阅读加两篇,听力加三篇吗?求详细时间长度和要求! 刚开始练托福听力,最简单的短文都听不懂,怎么起步 托福听力听不懂怎么办TPO干脆听不懂,做题都是靠猜,上次听力7分,低到爆盘,本身英语底子就不太好,阅读22分,听力不好拉写作口语的分,该怎么办呀,还有一个月就考了.甚是郁闷.每天用小马的21 “小孩”一词在文言文中的表达是什么?求一个字 形容透明或者清澈的一个字,可以是文言文的字. 哪里有蔡依林的签名书卖啊? 北京蔡依林出的书啊?不想在网上购买~想买所有的书,请问哪有卖的?4本书加起来共多少钱? 英语翻译从刚开始就恶作剧的人一定是你! They have fun on sunday.同义句They_ _on sunday 读后感,随便什么书最好是名著 they enjoy themselves 同义句 they are enjoy themselves的同义句 用英语怎么翻译‘请让一下’‘看一下要喝什么’‘我听不懂’ They enjoy themselves(同义句)并翻译 an english girl is good at talk 英语翻译Most of the thousand-odd king penguins huddle in a colony just inland from the dunes. 英语翻译早餐你喜欢吃什么?早餐我喜欢吃鸡蛋,牛奶和面包。书上是这样翻译的 What do you like having for breakfast?I like having eggs,milk and bread for breakfast。为什么这样翻译,为什么是having而不是ha They always have fun playing computer games (同义句) 求大侠帮忙翻译个英文句子,真不懂1.On the other hand, the theory is unconvincing because the movement does not normally occur along lines, and it certainly does not occur along lines broken by frequent changes in direction, as the ridge 随便一个读后感 最好有意的书 读后感怎么写,随便什么书 是什么国家国旗,英文是什么 英语阅读理解选择.Mary is an English girl ,but she lives i英语阅读理解选择.Mary is an English girl ,but she lives in Paris.She is seven years old.Her mother says to her,“You are seven now,Mary.You are going to school here.I’m sure my,I,went,farm,in,with,family,to,friend's,countryside,the,a(连词成句)英语 i recommend you to enjoy the beautiful view in the countryside in zhejiang,i with my family__(visit) it twice I went to Tokyo with my family.怎么提问啊 I went to the country to () a vacation with my family. I went to Pingtan with my family.这句话有没有错went to Pingtan的Pingtan前面不用加the吧? 英语三级的程度谁能介绍一下我要学计算机网络系统集成,考很多证书需要英语过3级