
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:37:41
Too many cars on the road will [p___]the air in the city填空 you will find that there are better_______by road,rail and air than in London.A traffic B transport C communications D vehicle he'd like a large bowl of porridge (就划线部分提问)划线部分为:a large He'd like a large bowl of porridge (就划线部分提问)划线部分为:large___ ___bowl of porridge would he like?(改为这种) 有一袋苹果,ABCD四个小朋友分 AB共分得这袋苹果的十二分之五 ,CD各想分得这袋苹果的十八分之五,这样行吗为什么 某超市门口插满了红黄绿蓝四种旗子 其中红黄绿的旗子站旗子总数的十分之 有一堆苹果,分给甲、乙、丙、丁四人,甲、乙共分得这堆苹果的八分之五,丙、丁都想分得苹果总数的七分之二,他们能分到吗?为什么? it is said that后加现在完成时,还是过去完成时.以及相关知识点 why did u said that i have married.I dot have a gf up to now. 格林一家将在9月3日的上午到达北京 the greens ____ ______on the morning of sepember 3rd left,on,we,beijing,morning,saturday连词成句 35平方电缆能带几个千瓦怎么计算的 the plane _ only by the president为什么填used In 1865,Abraham Lincoin was elected____President of the U.S.A.a B.the C./ D.one 为什么选C 请问第八题,我知道答案是C Teacher 's Day is on( september 10)用括号你的词提问 The Teacher’s Day is()September. 连词成句.on,is,tenth,it,the,september.of 8.It was in 1961 __________ John .F.Kennedy became president of the United States.A:when B:that C:then D:and 纸箱的长宽高是60*40*35,要怎么算平方啊? 宽和高算成平方怎么算 排地一边宽3.5另一边宽35长为62如何算平方 His body was incorruptible until he died.what is the meaning of this sentence? 英语翻译翻译!的哈`` A,B,C是平面上不共线的三个点,动点P满足OP=(OB+OC)/2+λ(AB/|AB|cosB+AC/|AC|cosC)).λ∈(0,+∞),则动点P的轨迹一定通过△ABC的什么心 注:OB,OC,AB,AC都是向量 谁有Delta Goodrem的《Not me not I》的歌词~其他歌曲的也ok~ 一个矩形的周长为28cm,若它的面积为40cm^2,那么这个矩形的长为,宽为 一个长方形的长与宽的比是4比3周长是28cm则面积是() 提供一个能用(-22.5)除以15%解决的实际问题情境,用百分数表示结果,并说明结果的实际意义 “out from under”确切的意思是什么? 提供一个能用(-22.5)÷90×100%解决的实际问题情境,用百分数表示结果,并说明结果的实际意义. 说修辞手法它糊里糊涂地听着小青石的话,一会儿竟睡着了. 说这是运用了那种修辞手法!地球在群星璀璨的宇宙中,就像一叶片舟.