
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:55:00
宁夏平原种植的什么农作物? 宁夏可以种哪些粮食作物? 一般look at the pictures and tell a story这样的题.里面的时态用过去还是现在 Where was the thief?Look at the pictures and tell the policeman.1、在家收拾东西准备出门.2、在电影院门口行窃.3、又到公交车上行窃.4、最后在商店行窃.5、被抓到警察局. Please look at the following pictures等于 Please look at the following pictures 同义句 after that they never _____(play) football again讲讲为什么, they usually play football (after school) 对括号内提问 After they finished _______ football,they went for a drink in a pub.A to play B playing C play ar er ir ur组合的发音只要单个组合的发音,如我已经知道or组合是发长音o的,or组合在w后发长音鹅 ir ur er or的发音规则!一句话就可以了!也就是说一句话就要说清楚它们的发音规则! 英语中r控制的元音,ar,er,ir,or,ur怎么区分? 西班牙语中al和ar,el和er,il和ir发音怎么区分 they went to bed after they finished their homework.(同义句)they went to bed ___ ___ their homework. 已知函数f(x)=logax在区间[2,+∞ )上|f(x)|> 1恒成立,求a的取值范围 已知函数f(x)=logax-2x^2,当x∈(0,1/2)时恒有f(x)>0,求实数a的取值范围 I have joined the club since three years ago 一个等腰三角形上的中线把它的周长分为13.5cm和11.5cm,求它各边的长度等腰三角形没说是不是直角的最好写出过程尽量用小学或初一的知识原题如下:等腰三角形一腰上的中线把该三角形的周 --- How long have you been collecting coins?--- ________.A.Since 5 years ago B.Since 5 years C.C.In 5 years D.When I was 5 一块木板厚度为1.2CM 宽度为5CM 长度为1200CM,问一立方米是多少根这样的木板,求公式 the swimming club opened two years ago(用since two years ago 改写)the swimming club ____ ____ ____ since two years ago. How long have you lived in Suzhou?A.Since two years ago B.For two years ago C.Two years ago 膜制氮机膜组对压力有要求吗?压差至少为多大?假如无热再生干燥机后直接连接膜制氮机,能正常工作吗? 吸附式干燥机两塔不能循环再生和干燥是什么原因 ______you are thirsty,you can buy some water in the supermarket.(空处填什么啊) 英语翻译是一道题的要求 小孩子的好像longjiang3714说的比较接近~ needle trace 在木材英语中怎么翻译哦? use the conversion below as a model这句英文怎么翻译? 初二英语书上的练习题题目,麻烦翻译一下:look at the list words below.circle the past of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words. 长方体土豆地一块长方形土豆地长与宽的比是5:3.已知长比宽多28米,这块土豆地的面积是多少平方米? 6分之X=3分之Y=4分之Z2X+3Y+4Z=29 问一道数学题,悬赏50分.有两筐土豆,大筐里的土豆.有两筐土豆,大筐里的土豆比小筐里多31个.如果从小筐里取出7个放入大筐,则大筐与小筐中的个数比是7:4,现在大筐里有土豆多少个?至少用两