
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:54:09
The actor doesn't live here any more.He ( )Beinjing.为什么填moved to 而不是moves to?从哪里可以看出是过去式? 初三今天英语考试的某些问题.1.The 2010 Asian Games ------in November in Guangzhou.Yes.It was reported that Chinese players all did well.A will hold B have been held C were held D had held 2.Great changes have taken place since we -------E They appear_____in the accident.They appear_____in the accidentA to injure B to be injuredC to have been injured D being injured为什么选C不选B,谁能解释下这4个选项的区别. The policeman got badly _____ in the car accident(受伤) The car has(destory)badly in the accident适当形式为什么不用been destoryed? They were k ( ) in a car accident his family didnot live here()A.no more.B.no longer.C.not any more.D.any longer讲明原因 I didn t quite see the point of it all整句话什么意思the point 英语中所有th都发咬舌音吗?如果不是,请举反例 翻译下面句子:1.Well,it was my first time there,so everything was really interesting. 2.I didn't r翻译下面句子:1.Well,it was my first time there,so everything was really interesting.2.I didn't really see anything i liked.3.Did everyone 在英语中是不是th在一起就是咬舌音 英语翻译 th咬舌音不会发 怎么解决 英语TH咬舌怎么咬我感觉发TH咬舌的时候 如果咬舌尖.但又会堵住气流,好像发不出来一样.如果咬舌头两边.好像发出来又不像.看电视那些出是咬舌尖.但我就是要等放开后才能出气流,而且听起 英语 适当形式:The case of a bomb explosion___(investigated) now is in the charge of Inspector Lee.适当形式填空:The case of a bomb explosion____________(investigated) now is in the charge of Inspector Lee.答案是being investigated. do some reading的同义词组 th和s 在一起时怎么发音...如题...,我要准确的答案...是ths全要发,还是只发S 英语中th怎么发音?是类似f还是s?不考虑there的发音我想知道thank think throw这些发音我一直上来的老师都是倾向于发f音(当然只是类似 不需要跟我说这两个音的区别) 但是大学很多同学都是发 The Role of Government in A Market-Oriented Economy1.What are the American government's roles in the economy?2.What the American government refrain from doing in the economic matters?3.Why? 英语翻译The role of eye contact in a conversational exchange between two Americans is well defined:speakers make contact with the eyes of their listener for about one second,then glance away as they talk; in a few moments they reestablish eye con the role of women in the food-foraging economy什么意思?food-foraging economy什么意思/ the difference between the market economy and the planned economy 翻译 关于英语发音!懂的人进!is it中i的音标是发I音,但是为什么读这两个单词时是发e音呢?也就是读出来是es et. 《In da club》是什麽意思?《in da club》这是一首歌名,谁知道中文意思? 这首阿语歌叫什么名字对的话追分. it is based on the ___2012 环境因素对动物的行为产生多种影响,如环境因素中的非生物因素:()()()()等对动物的行为都能产生影如题 下列动物的行为都是受昼夜交替这一环境因素影响的是( )1.猫头鹰昼伏夜出 2.蚂蚁搬家 3.大雁南飞 4.公鸡报晓A.1,3 B.1,4 C.2,4 D.1,2 求《海底两万里》或《名人传》作文10篇,必须10篇,400字左右,好的给100分.好心人帮帮忙, 还有3天就开学啦.是10篇以上,谢谢谢. 除环境因素外,动物的那些特点会影响动物种群的出生率? I am (doing dishes)对括号部分提问 谁能告诉我一些关于秋天的句子啊?