
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:34:36
Would you mind cleaning the room A Certainly B Ok,I will do them.应选哪个 高手帮忙翻译一下Jordan Pruitt的my shoes歌词 谢谢jondan pruittmy shoesOooh... yeah... I see you standing by your locker all dayI wanna say heyBut boy I'm too shy to break the iceI know you know a lot of my friendsI heard this from themYou 英语翻译walk my shoes ,just to see,what is like ,to be me.是不是 走我的路.让别人看吧.会是怎么样.都是我自己. 英语 You put a leaf on the paper 改为祈使句的否定句______ ______ a leaf on the paper. 写状物的句子,最好是写文具的! 若α是第一象限角,则-α/2是第几象限?怎么证明? 角α是第一象限角则-α/3是第几象限角(如果还能用等分象限法,) 关于文具的句子段落, 若a是第三象限角,则3a是第几象限角?用等分象限法怎么解? 书柜里的文具很多( )请帮我把句子写具体 "犯罪"的人是""罪犯" "架笔"的文具"笔架"之类的句子 怎样判断山地地形? 山地地形怎么画 荨用做人名的含义 我想取个英文名,中文名叫志力,请教 bill ____ a job in a factory,but he refused to take it. A.was offered B.offered C.was offering D.had offered 为什么不选D?谢谢! ln need of money,Bob had to take job that was offered to him.ln need of money,Bob had to take job that was offered to him.A.whatever B.no matter whatC.whichever D.no matter which请问答案选哪个,为什么呢? 如何判断一个二元一次方程的函数图形所在的象限 谁能回答正确就是天才 谁做出来谁就是天才, 请问滴虫性阴道炎用什么药好?最近去医院检查有这个病,请问严不严重啊?用什么药好呢 The students enjoyed themselves in the park=The students _ _ _ _in the park The students are looking f______ to the picnic in the park. 谁做出来谁是天才 谁做对谁天才! 已知:射线y=(根号2)x(x>=0)交椭圆X^2/2+Y^2/4=1于点A,过点A作两条倾斜角互补的直线,与椭圆分别交于异于A点的点B和点C,求证:直线BC的斜率为定值 有些人真的是一生出来就是天才吗?请用科学性的回答我! Where do you think she will be?是什么意思啊? come out的意思是什么 我想了解一下汽车制动跑偏的一些知识. 气压制动式汽车,制动跑偏原因是 天才来!