
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:22:03
the fuck did you end up here Huang pu River前加the 的原因什么是因为它是独一无二所以加the吗那既然如此,请大家列举一下所有要加the 的类型 我的手机是HTC的,盖上有with htc sense是什么型号的? Dad cuts the lemon into ___(half)with a knife.Take a ___(shop)bag with you when you go to the mamarketI think moon cakes with meat inside ___(taste)delicious. decorate the doors and windows with paper the main river of China?想知道中国主要河流的正确英文译名,谢谢! 动名词是动词还是名词? cannot bear to; to have not the heart to 在英语中,非谓语动词是不是动词?非谓语的动名词形式是在动词后面加上ING,那BEING DONE这种情况中,be应该是原来的助动词,为什么是它加上ING呢?还有就是在HAVE BEEN DONE的这种时态中,哪一个才是 who is the only bear 如题 black的反意词 black 这个词具有歧视色彩吗?纯粹学术问题,希望有过海外经历的人士多多帮忙,(自己也不是很清楚的网友请不要随意回答) There are something wrong with the new words改错 形容人精神好的成语 The boy is ___ of a musician. A. anyone B. anything C.someone D.something 这道题为什么选D啊谁能给我详细解释一下为什么啊.谢谢了. 用anything something anyone someone填空谢谢!1.It's dark.I can't see ______.2.I'm listening.I can hear_____.3.I'm sick.I can't eat______.4.I'm thirsty.I want to drink________.5.I'm bored.I want to do __________.6.I'm tired.I don't want to do_____ it is not _much languge as the background that makes the book diffcult to understand.1,that 2,as 3,so 4,very我觉得123都对.不要翻译,请告诉我为什么12不对 huge amounts of是等于lots of还是等于lot of 毫不夸张毫的意思 毫不夸张的毫是什么意思 夸张是什么意思? 我现在读初三了,可是连三年级的英语都还不会,我该怎样学才能提高我的英语水平呢? 夸张的意思试卷上的题目 Excellent English是什么?今天突然看到我们班有同学在看~,想知道这个到底是啥. have you been to guangzhou?-yes,i___ (go) there two years ago There have been great changes in China s_____ it opened to the outside world thirty years ago. 在线等There have also been great changes in Nanjing s____ over twenty years ago. 分词有哪些?不要笑我真的不晓的 动名词有哪些分类,直接加的,去E加的,双写词尾加的 哪些是动名词 动名词有哪些,什么是动名词 1和2最大的区别是什么?