
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:01:57
If I should stay I would only be in your way So I'll go为什么前面用 should 后面用would都用will可不可以 这里说的不是将来要发生的事吗 what are favourite food?这个句子对吗?能这样说吗? If you would only let me enter your heart, I can know! Of course should see you willing to?什么意思啊? i would only be in your I`ll think of you every step of the wayI`ll think of you every step of the way 能分析下这句子么 every后面是状语了? the government is to ban...The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West.译下这句话,这是2001年完型里的. 英语翻译 theories of/for/about the origin of the universe选那个介词对? happy WHAT?happy什么? 求藏文翻译求藏文翻译如下:“爹欣谢巴 悉吉艾巴  南巴 嫩巴拉 洽擦洛” happy是什么意思?what是什么意思? 谁能帮我想个韩国名字,我姓谢,最好是三个字的, 2012年12月21号真的会世界末日吗?2012年12月21号那天是真的会世界末日吗 I work for the government.怎么连读? 我在政府机关做事. nn能不能翻译成i work to the government ! work for 是什么意思啊 He has no idea同意句He---- ------只有两个空啊He doesn't have any idea.这个我也知道! 谢啦, 如题,commissioning revenues 和installation revenues 有什么区别? He liked your ideas for the party.请问for the party是做宾补吗? After the UFO _____,several aliens got out.A.took off B.landed 选择哪个,took off 是起飞的意思landed 着陆 The plane took off ()half an half A.in B.after C.at D.for This play over the next year would be reassuring to work . 2012年12月是世界末日吗? too much things to do 和too many things to do 哪一个是对的,如果全对的话,都分别表示什么 搞不清表语和定语.如“he is a docter" 里的有表语或者是定语吗?如果有,分别是什么》? Too Much to Do 歌词 ACCA F7 if ordinary shares are partly paid,they are treated as fraction of an ordinary share to the extent they are entitled to dividends relative to fully paid ordinary shares.是什么 government什么意思 help:"i'll wait for you at exactly ten o'clock" in this sentence is "wait for"correct? the ____(please)trip 用please适当形式填空all of us were. with the. trip tohanghai 英语翻译刚才看到联合报翻译是欧巴马 英语翻译Barak Obama在美国大选赢出,是无可争议的.Obama纵然是一个黑人,但是他代表着希望和信心,迎合了选民求变的心理.充满个人魅力的表现和口号,让越来越多的人相信,所谓梦想并非遥不可